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Podvladařksá HAf dílna e-shophttps://kogitoeaster.websnadno.czRuční výroba obojků a vodítek z biothanu a hexy
2023-08-17 Now we have weight about 2000g. We started eat from the plate.
after cleaning before dinner
we have 7 girls and 2 boys
23.6.2023 pregnancy confirmed by a veterinarian. 5 puppies can be seen on the ultrasound. Expected date of birth is July 26, 2023. Expected to be big, currently the biggest breeding bitch (74cm at the withers) with one of the biggest breeding dogs (80cm).
On Thursday, May 25, 2023, mating with (Shír) Ansgar vom Goldenen Auengland of breeder Vladimíra Kubů was successful. If everything goes well, we will hopefully have puppies at the end of July.
2023-08-02 1000g