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E-shop snadno & rychlehttps://www.websnadno.czSystém WebSnadno nabízí moderní e-shop s podporou on-line plateb.
We are probably not a completely classic kennel. We are a family living in the small village of Bělušice. We have one beautiful and sweet female Emilka (Iane from Letohradské ranche) and not only is she a member of our family, she is so wonderful that we decided to have puppies from her. That's why we decided to go through everything necessary and necessary with our Emilka so that she could be kept and have puppies. In the end, we managed all this perfectly and Emilka is included in the Landseer club. The fact that we managed to do it this way is mainly thanks to the Mrs. Vladimíra Kubů (Letohradský ranch) from whom we bought Emilka and she helped us amazingly with everything.